Ośrodek szkolenia BHP
w Warszawie

Profesjonalne szkolenia i kursy BHP z myślą o bezpieczeństwie Twoich pracowników

Szkolenia BHP Warszawa

OHS training in English in Poland

OHS training in English in Poland? This is possible! Work with us and see how much beneficial it is for your business!

Check our exemplary OHS outsourcing plan

Employer obligations

In Poland, it is the employer’s duty to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions. Further guidance is governed by additional regulations as well as internal rules. It’s hard to summarize it in the form of an offer, but the essential information is included in the plan. The employer will have to implement such documents as health and safety policy, work regulations, regulations for remote work, safety procedures during remote work.
All required documents like health and safety policy, work regulations, regulations for remote work, safety procedures during remote work are included in the price.

OHS- Employee obligations

The employee is obliged to undergo compulsory training and medical examinations and ensure safe and hygienic working conditions.
All employees should act to improve the health and safety at work in their company.

New hires – onboarding process

Before new hire:
Every Person has to visit a doctor (occupational physician) to do preliminary medical examinations. + familiarization with occupational risk assessment
First day – initial OHS training, which is divided into two parts:
– general instructions – each hired Person, has the same one (online courses are allowed)
– workplace instructions – instructions that are specific for every workplace; it contains walking around the space to show facilities, emergency exit, fire drills, first aid kits – this is done by the immediate supervisor and can’t be outsourced
After the training, each Person receives an initial training card, which is kept in the personal files of each employee. The HR department supervises individual files.
We recommend keeping an additional electronic register of trained persons. We will keep this register in close cooperation with the HR department.
Within 6 or 12 months (6-managers, 12-others), employees must undergo periodic health and safety training, the information of which is provided below.
OHS initial training (general instructions) via our online platform is included in the price (unlimited).

OHS – All employees

As mentioned above, employees must undergo periodic health and safety training within 6 or 12 months (6-managers, 12-others). This training is valid for five years. 
After the training, each person receives a training certificate, which is kept in the personal files of each employee. The HR department supervises individual files.
We recommend keeping an additional electronic register of trained persons. We will keep this register in close cooperation with the HR department.
OHS periodic training via our online platform is included in the price (unlimited)
OHS periodic training for blue-collar workers is included for the limited number of people.
Record keeping is included in the price.

Building a safety culture is manifested in regularly informing employees about health and safety issues – we are encouraging them to spend their free time actively sending information about work ergonomics. We may conduct such correspondence in the form of an email or a disk available to employees. We recommend sending one email every 1-2 weeks so that employees read it with interest and no obligation.
The employer must inform all employees about near misses – those during which nothing happened but could. For example, someone left an object on the evacuation route, which disturbed its width and could make it difficult to evacuate during a fire.
Sending 1 email per week is included in the price.

OHS – Risk assessments

The occupational risk assessment is carried out for the position. Sometimes several people are working on the job. Our company performs the risk assessment following the Polish standard – PN-N-18002 on a three-level scale. The occupational risk assessment contains information on the identified potential threats, reducing them, and recommendations for the employer.
The risk assessment is prepared before the employee hires, and the employee is familiar with it before starting work. During the initial training (workplace instructions), the employee signs that he is familiar with the occupational risk assessment. This document is kept in the personal files of the HR department. Obtaining a signature is the person’s responsibility to conduct the initial OHS training and workplace instructions (direct supervisor). The occupational risk assessment must be updated when necessary – after an accident at work, when new threats appear (e.g., covid). 
Examples of remedial measures include additional training, lighting workstations, and ergonomic accessories (e.g., footrests). The employer is responsible for reducing the risk, although it may share the costs with the building manager (depending on the contract’s content).
Extensive information about accidents is provided at the end of the plan.
Preparing and updating of risk assessment are included in the price (unlimited).

OHS – Additional Audits/Checks Required

A health and safety audit is required once a year. All documents, regulations, procedures are then reviewed. It would help if you increased the frequency of audits in the areas that need it – e.g., first aid kits, which you should check once a month. The first aid person from your employees will be responsible for checking the first aid kits (more information below).
The controls of tools (e.g., ladders) take place on the dates specified by the manufacturer.
Our specialists are ISO 45001:2018 auditors. We will send such people to you for the audit.
The price includes an audit opening cooperation and one audit a year
The price also includes monthly reminders about the first aid kit audit.

OHS – Qualified Personnel – First aiders

One person is required for each shift to training 10-15 people always to be available. Employees get to know these people during the initial training (workplace instructions), and their data (name, surname, department, room, telephone number) are included in the first aid instructions. One first aid manual (extended version) is an internal procedure, and the other (pictorial version) is included in each first aid kit.
The price includes the preparation of first aid instructions in an extensive and pictorial form.
The price includes one date of first aid training for a group of 15 employees a year.

OHS – Qualified Personnel – Fire Wardens

One person is required for each shift to training 10-15 people always to be available. Employees get to know these people during the initial training (on-the-job training), and their data (name, surname, department, room, telephone number) are included in the evacuation instructions. One evacuation instruction (extended version) is an internal procedure, and the other (plan) is displayed in a prominent position.
The price includes the preparation of evacuation instructions in the form of an extensive and plan.
The price includes one training date in fire protection and evacuation for a group of 15 employees a year.

OHS – Ergonomics

Ergonomic risk assessments are performed mainly at workplaces with repetitive movements (in warehouses, production lines, and manual transport work). Still, we can offer you an ergonomic audit opening, support for the displacement of ergonomic equipment, standardization procedures for ergonomic requirements appropriate to the position, building culture safety in the field of ergonomics, and an annual audit (included in the price).
To assess the ergonomic risk, we use the proprietary evaluation questionnaire.

OHS – Training requirements

As mentioned above:
– initial OHS training
general instruction – e-learning, platform
workplace instructions – personal, internally
– periodic health and safety training (after 6 or 12 months from the initial training, valid for five years) – e-learning, platform
– first aid for some people (15 people) – in Person
– fire protection and evacuation (15 people) – in Person
– anti-mobbing (more information below) – online in real-time or e-learning via a platform
All certificates are kept on a personal file. We recommend keeping additional electronic registers.

OHS – Fire Drills

The building manager carries out the inspections. The premises must be made available during the review.

OHS – Equipment – First Aid Kits

There must be as many first aid kits in the office as needed and with the necessary equipment – it is not regulated by any act. We recommend placing one sizeable first aid kit in a designated area and several smaller first aid kits in the secretary’s office and/or kitchen facilities.
We cooperate with Cederroth. We can supply such first aid kits at the following prices. Cederroth First Aid Station Wall First Aid Kit – REF 490920 
Cederroth 4-in-1 Large Bloodstopping Kit x2
Cederroth Small 4-in-1 Bloodstopping Kit x3
Cederroth Burn Gel Dressing 
Cederroth Eye & Wound Cleansing Spray
Salvequick Cederroth Slicing Machine includes textile plasters and plastic plasters
Salvequick Cederroth Wound Washer contains: 20 pcs of napkins
Cederroth Protection Kit
First-aid instructions
Key for refill inserts
Mounting template
Cederroth Wound Care Dispenser – REF 51011006 
Salvequick Wound Cleanser x 40
Cederroth Soft Foam Bandage, 4.5 m
One pack of Salvequick textile plasters
package of Salvequick plastic plasters
package of Salvequick large textile plasters
Key for refill inserts

OHS – Equipment – Defibrillator

A defibrillator is not mandatory office equipment, you do not need to have one, although the defibrillator improves safety in the workplace. One defibrillator should be in stock in the building (located near the reception). If you decide to buy a defibrillator, we have Styker – Lifepak CR2 USB defibrillators.
Our rescuers train on these defibrillators, so you can check them before buying.

OHS – Ergonomic Equipment

The regulations do not regulate the exact office equipment in terms of ergonomics. Employees should have mice, mousepads, height-adjustable chairs, and laptop pads that allow the laptop to be placed at eye level.
The employer is obliged to audit the employee’s home working conditions unless the employee disagrees. If the audit shows the lack of appropriate equipment at the employee’s home, the employer must provide the employee with proper equipment at his own expense.
Assistance in choosing equipment and an audit of home working conditions (online in real-time) is included.

OHS – Accidents at work, accidents on the way to/from work

In the event of an accident at work or on the way to work, the team (health and safety specialist and a second person) must conduct an accident investigation within 14 days from the date of reporting the accident. The proceedings are performed internally. However, if a collective (at least two people) heavy or fatal accident happens, an employer must notify state authorities.
If the team considers the incident to be an accident at work, the employee is entitled to 100% of the remuneration for the time spent on sick leave. The Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (the office responsible for the payment of health benefits, pensions) is informed about all these matters. The employer should also report each accident to the Główny Urząd Statystyczny (Central Statistical Office) to keep national statistics.
Preparation of all accidents with complete documentation is included in the package.
Reporting to the Główny Urząd Statystyczny (Central Statistical Office) takes place through a particular online portal, so it must be done by the HR department in the company (with our support).

OHS – Mobbing (bullying)

The employer is obliged to counteract mobbing in the workplace. The employer should implement the Internal Anti-mobbing Procedure and the Code of Conduct. Additionally, the employer should appoint a person (among employees) who will be a person of trust for employees and whom they will be able to report the matter. The employer should also conduct training for employees on counteracting mobbing at work.
The preparation of the Internal Anti-mobbing procedure and one training date on counteracting mobbing is included in the package.

OHS – Safety Data Sheets

The employer must carry out a chemical risk analysis if he uses chemicals, e.g., cleaning agents or disinfectants. Employees using these measures should have easy access to the safety data sheets and be informed about it during the initial training (on-the-job training). Employers must display safety data sheets in an accessible place.
Preparation of chemical risk assessments is included in the package
The preparation of these assessments requires the delivery of characterization cards from the manufacturer. We recommend obtaining character sheets before purchasing and analyzing the safety of a given substance.


The regulations on covid-19 change in Poland on average every two weeks. The employer should use the distances between the positions, and if this is not possible – screens, e.g., made of plexiglass. The employer may order employees to wear a mask and may (but needn’t to) send employees to work remotely. The decision rests with the employer, who can consult with employees. Remote work has not been regulated in the Labour Code until now.
We will send you recommendations as well as answer any questions you may need (included).

OHS – Total costs for OHR outsourcing in Poland

Opening costs + monthly payment.

Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Katarzyna Prokopowicz
Office e-mail: bhp-cioka@bhp-ciolka.com.pl 
Direct e-mail: kasia@bhp-ciolka.com.pl
Office phone: +48 22 837 06 95 
Direct phone: +48 600 004 503

    OHS – Why should you select our company? 

    – Partners in business – we treat our clients as business partners, we are here to take care of your OHS system and build a health & safety culture. You can count on us!
    – Different people with a different experience – we hire around 20 people from different industries, which allows us to help clients with different topics and provide the best specialists
    – Longevity – we are on the market since 1996, we survived all the global and polish crises, and we are financial stable
    – Innovative approach – the market is changing dynamically, so we adjust to all changes, develop our skills, complete new courses or studies, introduce new training to be able to share knowledge with our clients
    – Professional approach – we know how much order in documents means; that’s why we work carefully to minimize mistakes; we prepare documents based on ISO standards
    – Family standards – we run the company for three generations, we put our hearts into this business, we know what loyalty is
    – Value for money – we know what quality and price means; we can prepare the highest OHS standards in your company with an adequate budget 
    Trust us, and we can together build a health and safety culture in your company.

    OHS – How do we measure the benefits for our clients?

    – Feedback – we regularly ask our clients for opinions and feedback
    – Surveys – regularly after courses, we ask participants to share their opinions in anonymous online surveys
    – Market analyses – every month, we check what the trends are and what the market needs